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January 25, 2010

The South

My place of birth is Indianapolis, but I have lived in Alpharetta all of my life. Being from the south I'm sure that most people would think i have a southern draw, however it is in fact the opposite. My hatred for the accent extends into all aspects of my life. I will never date or even consider dating a woman with a southern accent, I cannot stand country music, and I sometimes even get annoyed by my family members who have the accent. However, I do not hate where I am from. I love this part of the country despite its freezing winters and blisteringly hot summers because it is part of who I am. For example I love sweet tea and fried chicken. I think calling soda pop just sounds silly. I love the fall when all the trees that stand over us turn to beautiful autumn colors. This is the place I have lived in all my life and I could not even begin to think that it has not left an indelible mark on who I am. I can’t even fathom what it would be like to live in another part of the country. If I were to be moved I would feel totally lost. I could never picture myself as a Northerner, or a Californian. If instead of growing up in Georgia I had grown up in Indiana, I am absolutely certain that I would be a totally different person. I would probably think all people from the south were redneck and carried shotguns in their pick-up trucks. I would probably think that southerners find it acceptable to marry second cousins (although that’s not true). I would have all the common misconceptions that most anyone from another part of the country would have of the south.

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