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April 2, 2010

Driving the Future

I love technology (most of the time) and this love has sparked me to watch shows on the science channel and there is one in particular I will always watch and it’s called “How it’s made.” I find this show intriguing because it showcases factories and how everyday items that people use (or eat) are made extremely quickly and efficiently in these establishments. For example, one show that I watched showed a pharmaceutical companies pill making machine which produced an astonishing five thousand pills per minute! Another episode that I recently watched traveled through the factory as walnuts went from shelled to processed and sorted into many different sizes and for many different products. Some that were large and whole were packaged to be sold as walnuts, and the smaller bits of walnuts were shipped off to various bakeries to be used as baking ingredients or toppings. This show is so amazing to me (as a future scientist) because it is my idea of technology at its best. When I watch and see assembly lines of robots that can put together the body of a car (not completely) in only eight minutes I am amazed. Not only have we come far but we have used our minds to create so many versatile inventions and combined those inventions to further ourselves and science. To be able to create or discover something new and helpful is just one of the many driving factors leading me down the path of science. I want to be a part of this technologically driven society and to further it (I have no idea how I am going to do this but that is why I am learning as much as I can every day). After all, technology has done great things for us. Without radios, televisions, or the internet our rate of information transfer would be much lower and we would probably still be back in the early nineteen hundreds (technologically). Also, mass production of foods, goods, and technologies has served to enhance the lives of millions if not billions all over the world and I feel will eventually lead to the prospering of every nation or at least ending the suffering of the less fortunate. Technology is our friend (most days) and I thoroughly embrace it every single day and even at this moment as I type this blog and I can’t wait to see what comes in the future.

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