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May 2, 2010

Kush revamped

I was never allowed growing up to have a pet. Sure I had fish and my brother had a gerbil, but I mean a real pet, not just a novelty one. I wanted the relationship involved with having a domesticated animal and I always gave attention to the cats and dogs of my friends due to the lack of my own. Needless to say, when my brother brought home Kush I was overjoyed at the future prospect of watching him grow and enjoying his company.

Our black Bombay looks just like many thousands of other cats, yet his personality is what makes him irreplaceable. Although some find him rambunctious, I know he is just overwhelmingly playful. With his sharp claws he stalks the house waiting for opportunities to wield his natural weapons in effort to satiate his instincts. Often I imagine his perspective and feel as though he thinks himself a lion in the jungle and we are his pseudo-prey. Prowling the screened porch’s columned railings he seeks only to escape (as all house cats do) and although at times successful, it is plain to see that he has no idea what looms outside of his boundaries as he will quickly return or hide only feet from the house. This is mainly our fault because we spoil him. Having been our only true pet, every member of the family has their own affectionate way of showing him love. I personally pet him while he eats and yes I am aware that this is a very strange habit for a cat to have, but it’s the only time he will allow me to. My brother will pick him up and cradle him as if he was a child; and being the one who saved him from the streets it seems fitting. I still remember when he brought Kush home he was so little that he could fit outstretched in the palm of my hand (not to sound cliché). My mom and dad often will sit in front of the television at night before bed and he will crawl up into one of their laps and lay there to stay warm. They spoil him by rubbing him while he lays there and sleepily dozes off for awhile. My sister’s way of indulging him, are his cat treats that he loves so much. He is a glutton and will always do anything for a treat no matter what mood he is in, but soon after may return to his boisterous ways. His endless ability to liven up our home is something I hope to hold on to for a long time as he brings vivacity to our family in ways I never thought possible. I wish to continue enjoying his presence and companionship throughout the rest of his lifetime as we all grow older every day.
Originally published Mar 19th, 2010

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