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May 2, 2010

New Brushwork Freedom

Before my memory kicked in my family moved to Atlanta. We have lived in the same house and in the same rooms since I have even been able to form memories. Yet, many of my memories differ in the sense that although my location has stayed the same for all of these years, my surroundings have existed dynamically. I am specifically referring to the walls of my home which have seen many different coats of paint over the last twenty years.
Although not professional painters, my entire family has put much work into creating our home’s colored walls, especially my mom. I want to focus on describing my room and those of my younger brother and older sister as they depict her work the best. She did most of the design and dirty work for our rooms which all resemble a different setting that we chose when we were only kids. My room resembles that of a boy’s dream to be an astronaut. A combination of deep blue and light blue fills the room as a rocket blasts off from one wall and the sun shines from the other. Shadowing these images on the ceiling lie many stars and a few planets which were painstakingly placed one by one from ladder-top and have somehow survived for this long. My brother’s room resembles a jungle in which a boy dreamed himself to be Tarzan. His main wall depicts an enormous tree vivid with life as all animals of the jungle from a giraffe to a rhinoceros surround its stretching trunk which climbs off the wall and onto the ceiling above. It creates a canopy of dense green that emulates that of the deep forest where the sky cannot be seen for the trees above. Downstairs my sister’s room is that of a young girl asphyxiated with a garden and nature. Brightly colored hummingbirds exist all along the white picket fence that extends its way around her room. Flowers and ivy laden, it creates a barrier giving the feeling of a garden along with white fluffy clouds above to complete the ensemble.

Our rooms are those that most children only dream of. Yes every child may have a room of their own, but we were able to choose the theme of ours and it is all thanks to the artistic creativity of my mom. Even reminiscing about her painting the walls I was astonished at the love and attention to detail that was poured into every brushstroke. For this I believe I will continue this practice. I will paint every room of my home in the future to the likings of its dwellers with no exception. Not only will this provide me with ultimate freedom, but also with ultimate satisfaction as my home becomes a unique one built upon love, happiness, and freedom of expression.
Originally published Apr 2nd, 2010

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