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March 14, 2010

Moving on

-The word goodbye passes my lips over ten times per day and I never enjoy saying it. I have never liked goodbyes and I wish I would never have to say them. To never part with my fellow friends or family until their dying breath would mean that I would have spent every possible moment I could with them and that I had never missed anything. However, I know this wish to be a foolish one because if I spent every waking moment with someone I would then only wish for a moment alone. Still, goodbyes evoke a small emotion of pain inside me and cause me to wonder, will I ever see this person again? This may sound sad but in fact it reminds me to not hold back and to say and do everything I wish to because it may be the last time I see them. Somewhat like the old adage, Carpe Diem, I seize the moment and make sure that I feel clear of conscience otherwise I may end up remembering them with some lingering regret.
-I have to say though, not all goodbyes are bad. For example, saying goodbye to an old car or home when upgrading to a new one most often times feels great. Upon completing a class and saying goodbye to it I feel accomplished, ecstatic, and relieved. In essence, the feelings that come with the goodbye seem to be circumstantial. I cannot think of a blanket statement for any goodbye scenario yet I can think of situations where moving on would evoke both positive and negative feelings. When transitioning from high school to college is a good example where most people would feel overjoyed to be done with one pillar of life and to be moving on to the next but sad because they most likely would be parting with friends they had spent much time with. The complications could be endless and therefore no blanket statement can be made. Thus, looking back to my original wish, it is silly to think about never having to let go. Every last person on this planet must eventually let go of everything and everyone, including themselves, still, can I not dream?

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